In a previous Current update, Minimal audio added the Wave Shifter frequency shifter effect to the effects rack, they have now released this effect as a standalone plugin. Frequency shifters took me some time to warm up to, but there’s quite a few fun tricks you can do with them.

Wave Shifter conveniently offers multiple frequency ranges making it easy to dial in some of these various use cases. Also included are AM and RM modes for a wider variety of sounds.

What makes this frequency shifter stand out is a controllable delay line in the feedback as well as some fun FM options. The delay means expands what a frequency shifter can do, allowing for warping motion and cascading frequency delays. The FM is a bit difficult to wrangle in, but can lead to some destructive results. You can even replicate phase distortion by setting the FM source to input. Finally there is a simple LFO/random modulator you can use to modulate the frequency control. I do wish this went into audio rate territory, as the FM is strictly linked to whole ratios.

I’m glad to see Minimal Audio exploring some new effects, Rift and Cluster delay were quite awesome, but I’m always excited for weirder stuff like this. It makes me look forward to what they come up with next.


I made a game in Pico 8


VOLT and TIME Expansions for BEAM